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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  October 23, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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the first 4 years. i don't know kristin if you saw anything new but i didn't. >> i don't think they are coming up with new things, i think this no matter his debates or quick one-liners he is not scoring. is jt a tactic to say you know now he is fighting the guy who is just as competent to keep soldiers of line and try to get romney to be president supporters shifting out of line. two weeks. we will be watching. semiconductor specific on the things -- i am not saying that good night. . romney has never offered any specifics. gerri: 59 points last summer, a >> with just two weeks until 40 page plan that no one could election day, president obama get through. unveils hissbankrup blueprint fr moving along, steven, you bring together politics and policy, you are good at it today, market americ welcome to willis sellff, almost 2% on the dow, report. dupdupont cuts jobs worldwide is gerri: i'm jerry wlis, president ama and mitt romney this economy shrinking again. back on the campaign trail where president is blasting romney's >> every time it looks like this foreign policy, wrong and economy, the slumbering giant will pick itself up, we see
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reckless but, one republican another falter this is senator said it is obama's troubling, their earngs had been picking up. foreign aid that nee to be now with a sers of really looked at. rand paul of kentucky with more, lousy enings reports am the reasons that the repoots are so welcome back, so, you have been bad is because people are not talkin about foreign aid for a buying these company's products, long time, now you put your consumers are n spend will that is a problem. money where your mouth it, tell us about the ads. circle this back to politics that is a problem for barack >> we're running ads in west obama two weeks over the election. virginia, ohio, florida, gerri: and kirs tin middle missouri, and we're contemplatingoing into montana and pennsylvania next. letting people know that their american having trouble as well, with incomes, falling senator continue toote to send aid to countries that are burning our flag and not dramatically. at the end of the day whe people go to polls do you think protecng our embassy, i think that most americans would be they are voting -- last night we appalled to know this. talked about foreign policy, is gerri: it is not chump change, it going to be about the pakistan $2 .1 billion, egypt $ economy? >> almt entirely about the economy, about what people feel, 1.6, libya 13.1. and what they think that obama -- do they feel it has improved should we yank the money from at all? the countries and what is the we're on the right trajectory, bases for deciding who gs aid. and obama has a handle on this? >> a story today the president we keep moving in that
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of egypt saying amen to diction? hor do we need seone to come in do something radically annihilating the jews, i do not different. the thing ishat mitt romney, the reason thamitt romney is see giving money to people whose now where he is, he presented an policy is anile latin annihilat, alternative, it is not control referendum thing, it is a ask in my amendment that many choice, mitt romney is a valid senators vote the against was to make the aid contingent,illing choi, he is presented himself in the debates at a minimum as someone who could be psident. and able to protect our >> this is all -- embassies, pakistan should -- you are right, this is all a turnover the doctor that helped us get bin laden, and libya confidence game right now. should turnover the people that if people go to polls two weeks from now the feel that things assassinated our ambassador. that is the least you could do. are getting bter, i think that we're putting senators on notice oba will win, but if they are whoote forward this aid, feeling uneasy -- letting them know we'll >> people are still at play. participate in the election, and let their voters know how they >> they are. gerri: they are still at play. >> most important poll of all. voted. gerri: a picture of the senators here. manchin respondi, oh, we don't have that sound. i think that senators are not so
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happy about your pac dollars go into their race, have they who came out on top. talked to you about this. >> not personally, i would say 90% of americans republican or democrat, are tired of seeing our money go overseas when we have problems at home with bridges and roads that need to be repaired. people in kentucky and across united states don't understand why we're sending our money to i know the name of eight princesses. countries that are burning our i'm an expert on softball. and tea parties. flag and chanting death to america. i don't think most ac payers understand that. i'll have more awkward conversations these -- taxpayers understand, than i'm equipped for that these senators all have because i'm raisg two girls on my own. some explanation, it makes no i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. sense to me or the american voter. gerri: moving on the debate last but it's for them, nike i am wonder figure you so i've found a way. thought that romney misan who matters most to you says the most about you. opportunity to attack president his handling of libya? massmutual is owned by our policyholders >> you know, i probably would so they matter most to us. have been stronger, but romney massmutual. we'll he you get there. is so far ahead he does not want to come out and be too
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antagonist to the president, i thought that president lked defensive, like someone who is behindednd looke unhappy roughout most of debate, i would have said that i don't think that romney said strung enough, i would say why were there no marines guarding the ambassador, why did you remove the security team guarding the ambassador and why remove the dc -3 the plain that was there for security, those are ver important questions. gerri: imente wan to ask but dee sequestration, president said it is not going to happen. what do you make of this? and fiscal cliffn front of it seems that our economy is already on a precipice. will get worse? >> well you know president signed sequestration bill, so i thought that meant h was in favor of sequestration happening, when he said it is not going to happen, some ndits in washington may agree
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with him, but no one has come up with aege latest fix -- legislatist fix how we cut the money for spending we hav to look at military spending and domestic welfare spending, they both have to be looked at if we're ever going to balance the budget. gerri: senator paul, always a pleasure, be interesting to see if you get much reaction tohe ads. >> thank you. >> well, candidates dashing to finish line, president obama ii worried he is not making his bottom line for a second term clear. so, he is releasing 20 page book met o h plan. -- booklet on his plan. >> my plawill move america forward. and by the way, the mask in my plan, adds u folks we not convince they'd can look here and find out what it and i intend to do the second term. gerri: so, 14 days until election, it is too late,eally
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ask kirs tin power, this is not that easety find, maybe we could have gotten this a year ago it would have made more sense. >> that would have made sense, i guess they decided to do this gerri: the psident said he is because they want to try to pin moving america forward, but the way that mitt romney sees it. mitt romney down by saying they the pas debates have voters are being specific. now he needs to be specific moving towards him. there is this back and forth >> these debates hav super over romney tax plan and whether charged our campaign, there is no question about it we're it adds up and they want to try seeing more and more enthusiasm, to pinim down on saying what more and more support, we' cuts he would make. going to mak sure that message gerri: but romney had i believe of the debates keep going across the cntry. gerri: let's find out if romney a 59 point plan for jobs it was is right, downing me again. laughed at by media and thought kristen power, and steven poor. to be too complicated, so he filed it down to 5, is there a i want to score who won las night, how much by? lack of information on the >> oh, well, it is -- i felt romney sid >> presidential candidates never that romney had won after debate
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cross all of the t's and dot a but not by a lot. but just in sense he had preserved his lead. of the i's. so it was not, i think that president of the was response in i would say that mitt romney's plans more details than most a lot of ways, forceful, and candidates he has done a good seemed presidential but were job, one thing he h been -- mined himself a littleit with the most is how y going to cut the i is a sar ca sarcasm a sna. the taxes here is thing, i think he has come up with a en genius solution, say everyone gets a 20,000 deduction, you pick and choose which you want. and the neat thing about that plan for someone, you know to left of me, is that actually rich peoplere those who take most of the deduction, if you look at our editorial, average gerri: steven. >> i think that san francisco giants won. person makes over $10 million. i have to confess, that debate was really not the most dynamic. they take 4 million of deducts, if you give 20,000, you take one interesting thing that you away -- it is an example of said off the air, that i agree actually, i think mitt romney is work political pros score these being specific. things different than middle gerri: to you, we're talking america, political pros said it about taxing millionaires that was a knock out for barack
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is a big thing, but taxes go up obama. he was in command, but actually, across thhe board, and the what when you look at actual all of the average american family will find is a 3500-dollar increase the undecided voters, they seem in their taxes. do you think that people know to think that romney held his th is coming. own. gerri: your 88-year-old mother do you think they have a sense of howconomy could fall apart who really liked romney. i want to talk about tone. once we hit this huge fiscal i think that president's tone at time had me on edge, here is an cliff? >> no, and no, i don't think example. >> you mentioned the navy for example, we have fewer ships than in 1916. that anyone thinks their taxes well governor we also have fewer are going up that much, and they horses and bayonets because the are not aware of the fiscal nature of our military has cliff, because they are living changed. we have these thing things call their lives it has not been the aircraft carriers where discussed that much in the planes land on them, we have debates, maybe people hope as i ships that go underwater, do, that it will be you know, that there will be some way they nuclear submarines. gerri: what do you make of that can figure out how to work together, and maybe hope against hope we keep having that some tone it seems derisive. day, dc will be functional. >> it is very, sometimes you can >> a pipe dream. >> i have a dream. say that and b joking but, most
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yeah. >> let me say somhing about this. i did look through it, the women at some time in their problem for president obama, lives have been on the receiving there is a lot of -- not a lot end of that kind of tone, and. jimand. of specifics but the problem is gerri: that just ridges true president obama has had 4 years with me. >> i am not touching that one. >> i am curious to know how it to 28 jobs it has not gotten played with women, the women done, looking through that report, there wasot a l new. that i spoke to said they did not like it. >> important thing, when i talk it does kind of confirm what with people in romney camp, mitt romney is saying, the next about what was going on last 4 years will be veryuch like night it smed that romney was more subed. it is clear that mitt romney had one audience last night, undecided women voters. you saw a little bit of feminismation of mitt romney last night. gerri: he did attack at times. >> we can't kill our way out of this mess. we're going to have to put in place a very comprehensive and robust strategy, to help t
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world of islam, and other parts of the world reject this radical violent extremism that is notn the run. gerri: what do you make of tha he is attacking, not like he has -- pulled a give o of his backpack. but you know, he is making his point. was he effective? >> i look at not point by point, just at bigger picture, i think he was. there were some points he was the effective on and others i would quibble with but h was effective in preserving his lead, he was very targeted. at first i thought that what is going on, i thought what steve said, they have internal polling shows he is ahead, and he needs to preserve, tt who is he trying to reach, obviously women. gerri: there is one other piece of sound i want to play, the romney apology, quickly.
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>> reason i call it an apology tour, you welcome to the middle east, flew to egypt, andaudi arabia, and turkey and iraq, by the way they noticed you skipped israel, and you said that america had been dismissive and dericivederisive, you said thata has deccalitied to other nation -- dec taile dictated to othern, mr. president we have not dec dictated to other nations, we have freed. gerri: this is the last one. hurray. we're flat they are done, i can't take any more. >> i am with you. gerri: are you glad. >> i love them. >> you are eiciently a geek.
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thank you great comes, interesting stuff. gerri: all right, small b mighty the world on apple's latest production, the early reviews on the ipad mini. with weeks to go. i'll break is down next on the willis report. 4g lte is the fastest. so, which supeast 4g lte service would yochoose, based on this chart ? don't rush into it, i'm not looking for the fastest answer. obvisly verizon. okay, i have a different chart. going that way, does that make a difference ? look at verizon. it's so much more than the other ones. so what if we just changed the format altogether ? isn't that the exact same thing ?
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it's pretty clear. still sticking with verizon. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined.
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gerri: presidentbama claims his way is the best way for the economy, saying it has been working for last 4
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gerri: way back last summer, mitt romney released a 59 point plan for growing jobs in america. you didn't hear about it? not too surprising, the media largely ignored it, too complicated forightly broadcast, and too dense for editorial writers he boiled them down to 5, energy independence, more trade, betr education, he want to cut deficit and encourage small business, last night president released hid plan for growing jobs with just two weeks befor the election. here is obama's list. energy independence, encourage small, cut the deficit, better education system. does it sound familiar? the period unveiled his list last night, here is an on-line copy that i printed, look at
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this, they both want energy independence and encourage small, cut theeficit, better education. now not only does obama claim these are his goals, and he said he as already accomplished man of them or on the way, bu the reality is different, let's start with manufacturing, no doubt about it, more manufacturing jobs would be good, and president said he has created 500,000 jobs over the past 31 months. close. he created 480,000 during the period but why just 31 months since president has been in office more than 45 months, using that, as a yard stage, manufacturing job has shrunk by 610,000 job and if he was serious boo ending our alliance on mid east oil why not approve the pipeline from
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canada. creating 20,000 jobs. then obama said he wants to cut deficit b 4 trillion. that would not undo the damage of his first term who obama deficit total more than 5 trillion, the record here is not good. too much spending, not enough cutting back, i could go on, but you get the point, that pamphlet, feels like a piece of fiction than a rl road map for getting america back to work. its claiming that obamacare would enclose. is malarky, congressional budget was on the said that health care reform alone would cost $ 8 -- 800,000obs, this administration has settled for middng performance when it comes to the economy. and president seems okay with 23 milli of us unemployed or under employed. and 46 million of us on food stamps, can't we do better?
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i think we can, let's set the bar higher. but what do you say? is this status quo where you nt to be? here is our question, is the status quo good enough for you, vote on right-hand side of the screen, i will show the results at the end of tonight's show. >> this is ipad mini. >> did you buy an ipad mini? that is the big question today, is the price right, we'll find out next. >> and an amazing career as one of the bestunning backs in eagle history, but decid not to get knock down any more, ricky waters is here to tell us why he gave up the sporte loves. >> and two weeks before election day, is the housing picture as rosie as some would say? rosie as some would say? we have the
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gerri: well a bad day for stocks, a he market cell off sent dow jones plummeting 223 points on weak corporate earnin and economic outlooks, that is what the pros were saying, it is now at low est level in 7 years, and commodity markets took a hit, what is going on. do the pros have it right gary, is it about earning? >> it is about earnings, and sales growth is heading south even harley-davidson, that was up today, sales growth is down 11% year-over-year, the dogs are not going to hunt. a defining force is earnings and sales growth, it is going the wrong way. gerri: what is going on. >> business is not so good. demand is not strong, there is a lot of slack.
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i'm a big believer that it has been fed printing money, and maybe mket is not caring much about bernankeeprinting money any more, now it is back to earnings. gerri: some stocks we saw sell-off today, dupont those are old fashion stocks but leading growth stocks amazon, apple and google under pressure. >> googles earning growt down 7%, when you are a growth stock then all of a sudden your growth rate goes sth not north all of mutual fund that own your sto they sell, they are momentum type people. when is not just had is a whole hostf names that have been getting hit. it is amazing. i think that market could have been set up where expectations are so low if they did anything decent would be okay. but guidance going for is really
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anemic and not thrilling. gerri: you know, i know you are circumspec about feder reserve, and ben bernanke, but talk that qe3 could get super sized. how much more super sized can we get? >> i have to tell you, it was we could talk billions now we tal trillions as far as th eyes can see. i think that these people are nuts to try to manipulate and rig the biggest market in the world, the bond market and try to get asset prices up. long-term it will come back to haunt you. they are tauntg markets, yesterday it is 3:00, when that came out, that is what goosed mark into the close yesterday. and today the market could not careless about it. gerri: i have to ask this, we've help heang this from -- we've been hearing this center sources, wealthy clients with expensive advisors are told, get out of the market now. do you believe that? is it the right thing to do?
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>> look, i went low beta in last couple weeks wit my money, getting out, and to less volatile, i told you about that, i think that could be going on. remember these smart advisors, understand what earnings mean, and also the fiscal cliff that is out there. and if tes go up, people may start selling this year, instead of waiting for next we're, that is entering the equation right now. gerri: bow howdy, what a sell-offhat will be. yea. gerri: always great to talk to you. thank you, gary. tech headlines weighing on minds of investors a consumer, facebook reports slightly stronger earnings sense its soaring after hours, and even though le steve jobs said it would never happen, apple unveiled the much anticipated
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ipad mini. is it worth the price? lance, i have to start with the ipad mini. you said that you are not necessarily a fan, why? >> well, it is less of everything. it you know i have my ipad, it is 9.7-inch device, a big screen, i enjoy it i kind of love it as tim cook said, this is a smaller device that costs a heck of a lot more than other competing devices in the same size range, $329 at base. gerri: some so the question is, can you use it to do everything you would use an ipad for? >> morer less, yes. it is right into apple eco system, is has all that, that is the nice thing about what apple does, all of these devices support the apps and all, pad apps, but this is a smaller device. you will use that mostly for media consumption, reading
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books, and watching movies and listen to music. gerri: you can do that with an ipad. my real question, ishe company cannibalizing itself, is that why the shares were down. >> i don't think that apple had a chase, theyad to get in the market everyone is rolling out 7-inch devices with amazon, and barnes and noble and google, people are buyg then at $99, we believed that apple was going to get in the market. when chi jobs said he was want going to do it the market was different. gerri: the longer i hear i have to love apple. the more annoying i find the argument. >>. facebook maybe mmking enroads o mobile space, but zuckerberg said before, if you think we weren't doing well with
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mobile advertisement,e were trying 6 months ago but now we're ting. gerri: you don't just say we d a lousy job of that before. >> they are having success that is the key for facebook going forward, to have mobile advertising success. gerri: always great t see you, appreciate your analysis, lance. >> my pleasure. gerri: a new housing reports paints a stark picture just time warner weeks before the election. >> and next, he is a super bowl champion, who walked away from football to save his life, ricky waters is with me. talking about the dangers of america's most popular sport. america's most popular sport. stay with ve lately.
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oh...there you go. wooohooo....hahaahahaha! i'm gonna stand up to her! no you're not. i ow. you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happ get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. gerri: we're 8 weeks to 20 nfl seen, and injuries just keep piling up, a blow to washington redskin quarterck a week ago le robin griffinii motion less on the turf, and is begging the question, is the league doing enough to protect its players, some are fighting back with lawsuit, including our next guest ricky waters, thank you for coming up. we appreciate it. >> great to be here.
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gerri: bore - we're glad you are here, before we get into details of the suit. tell us a little bit about your life, youre 43 years old and retired what is it like? >> yeah, it is tough. pretty tough when your body fails on you, a little bit, and you start to you know not feel so super human any more. and alswhen you start to forget some things, and it is pretty tough, tough to stay in shape as well. because whether you wor out it hurts. it is tough. gerri: so you are living with pain every day. and looking back on your career, you say, look you were in he he harrisberg, pennsylvania, san francisco, philly, and seattle, you said there were many days you went outo the field with a concussion, an other injuries. >> i played since i was 7 years old, i have played a lot of games, as far as concussions, many you ow many concussions, i
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would say maybe 50 or maybe a hundred or more. we just saw it as getting your bell rung. and you take a smelling salt, and pop a capsule, and take a little you know, sniff ofa and you feel better you play again. gerri: we have an injury report from nfl, tt shows 268 players suffered concussions over last 2 scen, you talk about smelling salt, maybe that perked you up for next couple hours, through long-term implications wh are they? >> well, physicly i mean, i'm hurting from head to toe. i have 5 screws in my ale, and in my foot, and high hand, and a metal plate around my femur, my leg, a cracked turn um, and franc -- sternum, they all come back to haunt you ler, you feel them, there is something
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you to dee deal work when i wort it really consists of physical eithetherapy and rehab. gerri: his no idea. i had no idea it was that bad for thpeople who are retired. you are famous becau there was one point where you put your health first, a famous moment, you were with philadelphia. and you famously said, i'm not going to trip up there and get knocked out for who, f wha you stepped away, and d not take the hit. and how did that work out for you. >> well, i retracked that statement. right after because, you know i was mad. we lost the game, and itame out wrong. i didn't want the fans or my teammates to think, they know i'm a team player, i was the leader on the feel, off the
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field. and i want nothing more than to win the championship. and i was totally dedicated to winning the championship. but i wanted the fans to understand, when you play on this level, you have to be ugh, no doubt, but you have to be smart, and use your instincts. my instincts told me that day to be careful. and the thing is, you have a split second to make that decision. and that decision could last your life. >> we're showing a bunch of pictures of you playing, quickly. but, you know you file this suit, you are one of many, many, many, n players inhe same tuation you are. i know a lot of our viewers would ask,hat you should take time to answer, is, didn't you know tre were risks? and do you feel like it isour fault or nfl's or els helmet ma? who shouldake t responsibility. >> i don't know whose fault it is asfar as that.
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it is not for me to figure that out, courts will figure it out, but i do know, that nfl making billions of dollars off of our blood, wet and tears, and our ss sees, at least they could acknowledge wh we play this game, we got disabled. you know we were you know we thought we were super men, no, didn't know about it we thought we were super men and we were told we were invincibl from time we started playing football. and we're not, the disabilities came from playing in the nfl, the least they could do is get us lifetime medical care, and litime insurance. gerri: all right. >> look after us a little bit. >> ricky, you are a greatuy, a greatamily, great kids, gat to see you again, thank you, we appreciate it thank you. >> thanks for having me. gerri: to come, my 2-cents more
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gerri: the american and homeownerthose zero whopping 65 percent sa they are worse off now. here tbreak it down, i dare and it flies inthe face of conventional wisdom how do you put the numbers together for the study? would is overwhelming. >> >> we looked at by different etrics in the housing market over 900 cownie is nationwide. housing prices and unemployment rates. foreclosures cet inventory and share of distress sales nationwide. and found 65 percent of the county's are worse than four years ago. gerri: so it is not just one
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thing? that is surprising. how can the results be so different with housing starts, homebuilder sentiment, price of existing homes, where is the disconnect? >> there are signs of life shorterm over the last year. home prices and housing starts and even foreclosures have been down at the five-year low. but looking back now vs. four years ago, long term we are noout of whole or as far as 2008 beore the last presidential election. gerri: wow!. that is a shcker.
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yodid your homework. but the details is different markets. help usunderstand. >> again this is long term but compared to four years ago, 35% of the county' better doing better. it boils down to how they can respond to falling home prices and rising foreclosures. coastal california, orange county, san diego is better off. even wayne county in detroit has responded instead of delaying foreclosures tey have allowed them to be processed and that process
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is faster. they are better off than four years ago. gerri: thank you for coming. gerri: thank you for coming. we appreciate it. [ male announcer ] how you trade? with scottrader streaming quotes, any way you want. fully customize it for your trading process -- from thought to trade, on every screen. and all in real time. which makes it just like having your own trading floor, right at your fingertips. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. try our easy-to-use scottrader streaming quotes. it's another reason more investors are saying... [ all ] i'm wh scottrad are we there yet? are we there yet? [ ma announcer ] it's the question we ask ourselves every day. is it the safest, the most efficient? the kind of vehicle to move not just people...
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gerri: i like those results. we're noo number one. we barely crack the top 10. rece survey the best country is to grow a business. we were 10 place. why low? despite the bigge economy frommanagement consultant company says it's all politics.
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gridlock in washington washington, sluggish growth growth, regulation. rules, regulations, red tape are a big concern with obamacare and dodd frank. under president obama regulations have quadrupled in corporations have highest tax raten the world. singapore
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